Inspiring You

Well, there’s a bold claim, but that’s what we’ve set out to do with My Mojo Zone.  We want to inspire you to think about what and how you learn in a whole new way.  We want to inspire you to learn when you have the time and the bandwidth in short bites or in longer sessions.  We want to make My Mojo Zone something that you’re more than keen to return to time after time.  In effect we want to inspire you to own your development in way that perhaps you’ve never been empowered to do before.  

We want to share our passion to support you so that you see real benefits and, as a result, enabling you to deliver a great customer experience.  In short, we want to enable all our participants to be more successful – based on whatever criteria they and their business choose.

That’s not to say there won’t be some challenges along the way because we’re talking about personal development.  Critically, we need to keep moving forwards, developing and stretching ourselves and to do that bit better every time in a world that’s as competitive as ever.

A New Way Forward?

At the time we were discussing how to put this germ of an idea practically Covid powered through and, in that respect, the world moved towards our way of thinking.  You, me, our friends, family and colleagues had no choice but to rapidly increase our virtual skillset.  It challenged everyone’s thinking – do we need that gathering, meeting or training face-to-face?  If it’s face-to-face training is the commute time, overnight stay and other costs really worth it?  What about fixed dates and timeslots – do they suit you and looking after your customers and the business?  Environmental impact anyone?  Could we deliver high quality training at a reasonable price?  The answer is yes!

Then there’s the traditional training itself – is it going too fast or too slow?  Does it match your time available?  Who went through school feeling that the classroom was often at the wrong environment?  Meanwhile a recent survey pointed out that our attention has reduced from 15 seconds to 8.2 seconds in the last 15 years or so.  The way we consume information has changed dramatically – the average online video is viewed for just over 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Let’s be honest the way we consume news, entertainment and everything else is so much more fluid – what if you could access training in a similar way?  

My Mojo Zone! 

As we explored course content, web platforms and gathered feedback we had the realisation all that we wanted to do was deliverable.  We met with used car retailers, agency partners and presented our plans, listened, evolved and went again.  By then we just needed a name… To capture ours and your spirit My Mojo worked so well – we just needed a more business like feel to where the modules and everything else was stored and that’s where the Zone came in. 

With our experience of the sales, aftersales and a huge range of general management courses we’ve written and delivered plus strong views on more incisive ways to engage we have kept innovating to suit this micro learning (that’s bite size chunks to us) approach.  

What Do We Stand For?

Trust comes from knowledge, expertise and being transparent, reliable, straightforward – easy to do business with if you like and for us this is a great place to start.  We’re focused on delivering empowering engaging and enjoyable ways that enable you and your teams to grow and develop.  We are delivering practical solutions that create a pathway to success.  We’ll work with you and help you get in your zone where you focus, focus, focus.  Our ‘can do’ attitude is contagious and we are keen to ensure everyone has the right opportunity to grow and prosper.  In short – we are committed to delivering the future you…   

Right Now? 

As many of you will have seen, we’ve been quietly contacting people involved in the used car sector and gently building a dialogue.  Of course, now there’s a lot more of this come! The website has gone live, we’re checking in with those who want to know more. The social media links are in place and André and I are constantly working to understand your requirements as well as explaining what we are doing now.  

This has not been an easy journey and it still provides us with challenges.  Just like any new approach, we need to get it right.  It’s coming though and soon we will share more.